
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Truth is We're All Douchebags

So i took a "douche-bag test" the other day on Facebook. Im sure it was all scientific as fuck because at the end of the test, the results just totally nailed me (right? ;) ).. anyway, the bottom line... Im a part-time douchbag (thank you very much). .Which makes sense to me.. because im actually a pretty nice guy, but i have my douchey moments...  albeit, generally its in the wake of general doucheyness all around me.. but regardless, Im a part-time douche. touche! (i only wrote that last bit because I never realized the similiarity in the two words).

Being a Douchebag
Full time douchebags

Anyway, this got me thinking.. i know im not the only part-time douche out there, because I run into fuckheads all day long.. mostly well-intentioned fuck-heads. Again, most of these people probably aren't douchebags all day long, to everyone they know (allthough, there are those special ones amongst us). The truth is they are also part-time douchebags. In fact, everyone is at least a part-time douchebag.  I gave the test to my friend and turns out he has "douchebag tendencies" as well. Surprise surprise (no, i dont really think this test actually means anything.. quit being such a fucking douchebag). Does this mean that people arent worth hanging out with or investing time in? well some can definitely get stuffed, but no.. in general people are reasonably nice and simply unaware of their douchey tendencies (i honestly dont think most people realize how douchey they are). Which doesnt make it feel any better, but you know.. 

So where does that leave us? Well, maybe we just need to realize that we all have a douchbag gene. Like take you for example. Im sure you're probably a nice guy or gal (nice ass), but I'm sure you're a douchebag every once and awhile. But maybe if you realized that you are a douchebag, you might be more likely to catch yourself in the moment and totally undouchefy.Which would actually be kind of a cool thing to do. Go figure... whatever.

*picture by Cavaletto / Flicker

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