
Monday, February 11, 2013

Medicate Yourself With Music

Now I'm not gonna claim any sort of researched validity on this at all (this is going to be anecdotal as fuck)... but i think you oughta medicate yourself throughout the day with music.
Im one of these guys who listens to music all the time during the day. And i start to find that certain music just fucks with my head... i can be listening to one song all day and totally down with it, but then listen to it later, when i have something else to do, and it gets my head space all screwed.
I've also noticed that when i'm in the car with the kids, and they're freaking out, and i'm about ready to freak out, that generally i have loud confusing rock music on .. i've literally switched over to the classic station and within a minute the intensity level of the car goes down... or maybe its me... but anyway, it works. the shit calms stuff down. .. *big breath... .. oh fuck, i need to calm my heart down*

anyhow, it got me thinking about the different way that certain music makes you feel. If you're trying to get pumped for a game or something, you dont listen to some depressing inner deep blah blah blah song, but you find something with drive to get your blood flowing and get the energy pumping. Likewise, if you're winding down for the night, you choose Floyd over Rave as it promotes your body and mind calming the fuck down. And there's a lot of other emotions that music can promote.. so why not plan your day, figure out how you want to feel during each part of it, and plan your music accordingly.

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