
Thursday, February 28, 2013

5C1EnCE d0e5 N07 EKw4l K0Rp0R4710n

The problem is not with scientific knowledge, but with the immoral use of that knowledge by businesses and large corporations.

Let's take the pharmaceutical companies for instance...  everyone seems to know that Americans are over-medicated. Anti-depressants seem to be everywhere, and a lot of people recognize that people just need to get their shit together. .. . so what does this do? It embitters people towards the fact that scientific knowledge/medications/reasearch can be used for the common good of all humanity, and causes them to instead conclude that science is a bunch of shit (much like the piece of shit imaged below)... which leaves everyone disenfrachised from actual working knowledge.
Someone dropped their anti-depressants

For instance, (as mentioned above) because of the abuse of the Pharm companies, the thought arises that Psychologists don't really know what they're talking about (because people think of pharm companies and psychiatrists together). That somehow the science must be debunk. The science isn't debunk, but the immoral profit making motive of handing out pills like candy is. 

Science <> Corporations .. or in lay-mans terms, science is not the same thing as corporations,,, or in to make it more clear in l337, 5C1EnCE d0e5 N07 EKw4l K0Rp0R4710n.

If you think this was a lame ass post. you are probably right... let me add this psychic albino sasquatch to make up for your lost moments.

This is just a fucking awesome picture
(Sanchez. "Pseudoscience".

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