
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Why You Should Never Name Your Dog, Your Dog

Heed my words and avoid this nightmare. Comsider yourself warned.

First imagine what it's like not even having a dog named Your Dog.
A) Can you call your dog?
B) Sure, "Come here Pup!"
A) No, I meant can you call "Your Dog!"
B) Oh sorry.. "Your Dog!!"
A) Thanks man. That was perfect.

If that isn't bad enough, now imagine what it would be like if your dog's name was "Your Dog"?
A) Can you call, Your Dog?
B) Why are you asking him if he can call? He's a dog, he can't use the phone.
A) No I meant can you 'call' your dog?
B) He can bark, but that's about it.
A) Ok let me clarify, Can you call your dog your dog?
B) I call all my dogs my dogs.
A) Sorry, I meant can you call Your Dog your dog?
B) Of course I can call Your Dog my dog.. .hes my dog after all.
A) No, i meant can you call your Dog Your Dog?
B) Well I would only do that if it was Your Dog.
A) Wait, are you talking about my dog?
B) No, I was talking about Your Dog.
A) Oh ok, that makes sense. So I was asking if you can you call your dog Your Dog?
B) What is you problem? Of course I can call him Your Dog. That's what I named him.
A) No, I meant can you call Your Dog, Your Dog.
B) Well, if I call his name out really loud twice like that he'll get over excited.
A) What I meant is  can you call your dog, Your Dog.
B) Oh you mean Your Dog and not my other dog Bowser?
A) Yes, that one.
B) No problem! Come here Your Dog!

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