
Friday, April 19, 2013

It Is What It Is and It Really Fucking Sucks

Person 1: "I cant stop fighting with my wife. She  called me an 'asshole motherfucker', and peeled out. The kids are pretty traumatized and they hardly sleep at night anymore since she left".

Person 2: "Wow dude.. that sucks." *look of concern*

Person 1: "Yeah, well... it is what it is". *cracks a beer and leans back to watch TV*

Since when did simply accepting shitty shit* just become par for course? I'm serious, its like the prevailing philosophy is to just accept something at it's shitty face value and assume that there's nothing you can do to change it. What a (to borrow a phrase from like 1 setence ago) shitty worldview.
*I can talk like this way
because Im from the
Shitty MacShittensten Clan
Now, being the crappy dude that I am ("ay.. ye's a reel shetheel") I understand that shit does happens and often there really IS nothing you can do about it. But just to settle for it because "it is what it is?" Really?

I kind of feel more along the lines of "it is what it is, and it really fucking sucks". This line of thinking seems more helpful in motivating me towards finding a way to make it something other than simply what it is.

 The truth of the matter is that, if we all just go around accepting the shit around us, nothing ever changes. Society, relationships, or that nasty ass fungus growing beneath your balls (you are so fucking gross sometimes). Honestly (in comparison to all the dishonesty of the previous paragraphs) this isn't much better than YOLO. And OMG//. you had to go there. FML

Something else that sucks shit

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